Thursday, April 29, 2010

Where's Adolfo?

Now that we are beginning our third month on the road and Adolfo and I seem to be caught in icy weather, I thought I'd provide a game. During our travels I like to take pictures of Adolfo. In most of my photos Adolfo is behind a camera, but not always.

Anyway, Here's the quiz: I will post a number of photos of Adolfo. You guess where Adolfo is in each photo. Several of the pictures are from the same place. You will have to be a follower of this site to play.

Tip: It will help if you read Adolfo's blog as well. Good luck.






















  1. Vicky,

    We've enjoyed keeping up with you two. Hope the trailer isn't more trouble than it's worth! Here are my answers:

    1. The Museum of Bison Indignities, Moorhead, MN
    2. Near Santa Elena Canyon, Big Bend NP
    3. Outside of an alien space craft, Chicago, IL
    4. A Spoonful of Chicken Kidney, Milwaukee, WI
    5. McDonald Observatory, TX
    6. Uh, A State Capital, AR?
    7. Uh, A Waterfall, AR?
    8. The Mall of A-Buncha-Crap, Minneapolis
    9. A really comfortable Airstream couch
    10. A terrible impression of a hula dancer
    11. The Great Land Ship of Milwaukee
    12. Paris, France
    13. A cyborg rainbow, St. Louis, MO
    14. Badlands, ND?
    15. That really sandy State Park, TX
    16. Stone Bridge District, Minneapolis
    17. Near the source of that one river...
    18. The 2010 X-Games
    19. A "customized" RV
    20. Stairway to Heaven

    That's the best I can do!

  2. Very good, Bobby. And that is a very comfortable couch, indeed. As you are aware, you missed a few. We'll see if anyone else will give it a try. We are thoroughly enjoying the Airstream.

  3. Vicky,
    I'll try on a few. Adolfo is hard to keep up with.

    1. Buffalo in Fargo, ND.
    2. Sandy beach of the Rio Grande at St. Elena, Big Bend Nat'l Park.
    3. Men's restroom at St. Louis Arch.
    4. Central Park in the Big Apple, NYC.
    5. UT observatory at Ft. Davis, TX.
    6. Trees in blossom at Arkansas state capital
    7. Waterfall at Petit Jean State Park, Arkansas
    8. Lego dinosaur at Mall of America, Minnesota
    9. Couch in the Silver Whale. Must have been in cold North Dakota.
    10. Cave for used automobile storage, Bartlesville, Oklahoma.
    11. Newer style sailing river boat on the Mississippi, north of St. Louis.
    12. Eiffel tower of Paris, TX
    13. East St. Louis McDonald's
    14. Rio Grande overlook at Boquillas, TX
    15. The sandy state park west of Lubbock, TX
    16. London Bridge, Ozarks, MO.
    17. High water at Walden Pond
    18. Storm water channel, Fargo, ND
    19. Early choo choo train engine at Topeka, KS
    20. Pyramid of the Sun, Mexico City

  4. Dad, You have 10 partially correct. Bobby has 12 partially correct. Anyone else?

  5. Bobby and Ken, Thanks for playing. You both did great and came up with much more creative answers than reality provides. Here are the Correct Answers:

    1. Punk Bison "Don't Judge a Bison by It's Cover" at Moorhead, ND
    2. Santa Elena Canyon, Big Bend National Park, TX
    3. Cloud Gate Sculpture at Millenium Park, Chicago, IL
    4. "Spoonbridge and Cherry" sculpture, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden,Minneapolis, MN
    5. McDonald Observatory, Fort Davis, TX
    6. Pink Magnolia outside the Arkansas Capitol Building, Little Rock, AR
    7. Natural Falls State Park, OK
    8. LEGO store, Mall of America, Bloomington, MN
    9. Silver Whale Couch
    10. Bear Cave, Petit Jean State Park, AR
    11. Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI
    12. Eiffel Tower, Paris, TX
    13. Gateway Arch, St. Louis, MO
    14. Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND
    15. Manahans Sandhills State Park, TX
    16. Stone Arch Bridge in the Mill District, Minneapolis, MN
    17. Headwaters of the Mississippi, Itasca, MN
    18. City skatepark, Fargo, ND
    19. Johnstone Park, Bartlesville, OK
    20. Cahokia Mounds State Park, East St. Louis, IL
