Adolfo and I crossed through Bigfoot, TX numerous times as we traveled down to Mexico. We knew the creature has been seen across the country and in other parts of the world. What we didn't realize was that we would be meeting up with him repeatedly on our trip. Perhaps he is following us.
The first encounter on the trip was in Canada where we came across Sasquatch Crossing. There the great beast was running a cafe, gift shop, and RV Park. We drove right past.
Bigfoot did not appear in Alaska. Perhaps it was too cold up there for him. So it wasn't until we returned to the Lower 48 that we encountered him again. In fact, he was there greeting us just as we crossed the border into Sumas, Washington.
We didn't meet up with him in the North Cascades or in Olympic National Park, but when we got to the Washington coast, there he was again, surfing with his son.
Now that we are in Oregon, we drove into our spot in a nice RV Park and looked over at the RV beside us. Yikes, Bigfoot again.
I've been wondering where y'all are! Glad to hear you've made it back south again. :-)