Thursday, June 10, 2010

Water and Rock

Lake Louise of Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada

I have always been amazed by the beauty of water and rocks. In Austin I decorated my garden with rocks, but I didn’t like the limestone I dug up in my backyard—too jagged. Instead, I bought river rocks. I like the way the water made them round and smooth. I also insisted on having a variety of colors. When I watered the lawn, I was sure to spray the rocks to brighten them up.

So, it is not surprising that I search out creeks, lakes, and waterfalls in the parks we visit. While Adolfo takes photos, I sit and watch the movement of the water. I like to see how the water sculpts the rocks. I walk around the lakes in search for rocks with good color and patterns. Then, I carefully set those rocks in the water to reveal their rich colors. It always gives me a little thrill.

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